Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
This is bad. Crypto is not just trading tokens, it's part of a broader ethos of freedom and privacy and keeping power in the hands of the little guy. These values unfortunately continue to be under attack, globally.
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Tom Jeans pfp
Tom Jeans
every American citizen has a responsibility to know their Senators and Congressman and know their positions on important issues the people voted for the elected officials who approved this expansion of state surveillance authority
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Adam  pfp
Yes! Vote in real people from your community who actually want to help make positive changes! Candidates can be written in as well, not just check mark to whom they put in-front of us.
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0xl0wlevelcr0w pfp
This works till aipac spends money to make a candidate they choose win. The sad fact of American democracy is that elections can be bought for money. 94% of whoever raises the most money wins.
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