Sirsu is in Flight 🎩✈️ pfp
Sirsu is in Flight 🎩✈️
Wild to not hear crash mentioned in memecoin talk lmfao I guess we either aren’t a meme or we’re too cool to be included By the time you get it we’ll be literally everywhere Or shit, you know what…maybe you just don’t get it cuz you can’t get it. Oh well. Don’t switch up the energy. ✈️🌐✨
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Dutchyyy  pfp
Honestly turns me off from objective point of view being crash is so creatively high brow & thoughtful as well as like the first base “meme” coin. Reaffirms the tech bro turtle neck cabal influence feeling isn’t just a sixth sense. Like Elvis running the ship while miles davis is right there to bless you
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Sirsu is in Flight 🎩✈️ pfp
Sirsu is in Flight 🎩✈️
It’s all good. I’m not worried. It’s just a signal that I know what it is out here. They not like us 🤷🏿‍♂️
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Dutchyyy  pfp
I’m built in manner where my brain requires transparency around the why in situations where it should be a no brainer. don’t know who spoke, now I want to know. So I can ask for honest reasoning. I’m just a human artist, no brand to risk so questioning the funny behavior directly is part of my core function
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