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sio pfp
Today, I've asked myself: What is the most important aspect of meeting with Farcasters, like on @aburra? It's the time zone! Nobody knows, based on their location, what time zone they are in. Plus, it's also a doxxing issue … So my idea is: How about we introduce time zone-based information on profiles?
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sio pfp
Therefore, the experience would be: 1. They don't have to dox just to be welcoming online meetups 2. People already know and don't have to ask which timezones they are in 3. As a space creator, I can immediately create the event. 4. Expectation management: I know when people will mostly be online.
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sio pfp
Let me know what you're thinking. I'd really appreciate such an (additional) feature because it makes my life way easier. Additionally, we could hover and see the time difference—it's just a rough first idea 💡
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