β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp



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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Oops . I am bad that way join us at /cybersecurity
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Reminder not to connect your crypto aparatus to public wi fis , this meme is example that your connection is being sniffed by a pineapple
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Whatever u do in cybersec at the end means moneee
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Anyone following tarkov drama , tldr battlestate decided to wip out 250 game mode on top of 160 dollr game mode with all dlc included with one move cucking the suplorters, even the cheaters rhemself are protesting and targeting anyine that bought
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Harder we get rekt , stronger we come back
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
daily reminder that when you spend your time online you are trully never alone :3
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
hello fellow gamers . we at /cybersecurity also are big fan of gaming . hi hi
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Gm reminder that your Csec tools are only cool online
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
More Like cope
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Emergency flatbread for wife anti pms
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
reminder if you you don't have thermite bowl and a hammer next to your pc you aren't rly into cybersec😜
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Gather around bros story time. 4 months ago a crypto bro comes to me with a horrific story. He lost acess to his wallet with around 360k on it at that time (prolly around 500k rn ). long story short after 3 days of nonstop grind we returned it to him. payout ? 1eth . reminder to charge more!
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Thusdsy night socialisation
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
On Social media telling people They Are Poor and that They need to make money is popular and loved by algos , also profitable
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Another day another scammer , atleast Indians try to hustle , ruskies devolve to alcho rambeling preety fast
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Sourdough mozzarella prsuto sandwitch all homemade
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Fellow white hats , question whats the biggest payout u ever received for reporting an exploit ? I hold unpopular opinion of not wanting to do any bug reporting untill white hats Are payed good. I still support general public and help the little man but corporate can suck it
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Stay frosty guys , elaborate and highly organized scam going around rn , people pretending to be recruiters asking you to join on call on their shitty scammy website
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
hi fid bros . I come again asking for your follows. In my endless quest of avoiding my job and indulging in dopamine hits from social networks now i am on a quest to get that active mark next to my name so plz
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β°žβ°‹β°β°…πŸ pfp
Helldiver bros .. Space vietnam has fallen.
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