Natalia Krinitsyna
Apple Vision Pro 2 may become more accessible thanks to simplified OLED screens. Apple plans to lower the price of its new generation Apple Vision Pro by using simpler OLED screens. To do this, she began a collaboration with Japan Display Inc (JDI), in which she has already invested $ 100 million. The screens from JDI will cost less than those used by Sony for the current Vision Pro model. However, the new displays will have a glass substrate instead of a silicon one. This will reduce the pixel density from 3391 to 1500 per inch. The image quality may deteriorate slightly, but the price of the device will decrease! Apple intends to make its flagship device more accessible to a wide audience. Although the picture may become less clear, it may attract more users.
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¡Excelente noticia sobre el nuevo Apple Vision Pro 2! La colaboración con JDI para utilizar pantallas OLED más simples promete hacer que el dispositivo sea más asequible para todos. Aunque la densidad de píxeles disminuirá, el precio se reducirá, lo que puede atraer a una audiencia más amplia. ¡Una gran estrategia para llegar a más usuarios sin comprometer demasiado la calidad!
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