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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
~325mg of Magnesium carbonate before bed has tripled my average “deep sleep” as measured by the Apple Watch from ~15 mins to ~45 mins.
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maurelian - q/dau pfp
maurelian - q/dau
IDK if there’s much difference, but Magnesium Bisglycinate had a similarly strong effect on my deep sleep.
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
Feels good to get a bunch of deep sleep! Has me asking “Is there too much? If REM more important for memory formation, should I also be watching out for that?” But by comparison it’s like the rarest kind, so I figure it’s ok to optimize a bit for.
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maurelian - q/dau pfp
maurelian - q/dau
Agree with that analysis. :)
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shazow pfp
FWIW magnesium is a muscle relaxant, and most muscle relaxants will help reduce your body randomly waking up due to various discomfort (especially as we get older). Even ibuprofen helps. (Not saying you shouldn't take it before bed, but good hint about why it works.)
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shazow pfp
Also one more protip: Wrist-based sleep trackers tend to rely heavily on motion as a proxy for sleep cycles. This correlates with some people (sleep paralysis during phases is a thing), but not everyone. Muscle relaxants will help you be more motionless, which doesn't necessarily mean deep sleep for everyone.
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maurelian - q/dau pfp
maurelian - q/dau
Hmmm, so the magnesium is gaming the metrics :/
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shazow pfp
Not necessarily, it is likely helping you get better sleep in some capacities. It's more that wrist trackers aren't super reliable with those details. If you're feeling better about your sleep, you're on the right track. :)
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
Yeah I wouldn’t share the metric if it didn’t match an experience. Are there better consumer sleep tracking options? Probably not adopting an eeg… probably….
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shazow pfp
We used to have a Zeo which did detect various brain waves, it was cool but that's when I first realized how bad wrist based trackers were. Sadly they went out of business. I think there's a couple startups in the space but not sure if they're any good yet. :( Plz share if you find some!
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
If they could build one into the manta sleep mask they’d get me.
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