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Reddit comments over the past year: 1. Constant barrage of "Trudeau sucks and must resign" 2. Trudeau steps down from Liberal Party leadership 3. Barrage stops, Trudeau continues doing what he has always done (while parliament is prorogued) 4. "Wow Trudeau is great, what changed?" 🤔🤔🤔
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There’s this political YouTuber, JJ something, who talked at one point about the Canadian identity and one thing that many Canadians identify with “anti-American-ness” I suspect this explicit “standing up to the US” has broad omnipartisan support
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It does, but there has been a very obvious psyop going on that stopped. Could be a good time to go back and compare active accounts before/after the resignation.
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Right. Do you think it’s was “fuck Trudeau” as in “fuck liberals” and now it’s “Trudeau is great” as in “fuck the leadership candidates”?
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links 🏴
Maybe he’s hinting that bots/information shaping is involved
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Yes, I do think this is a big factor, and takes way less effort than we assume.
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More concretely: If you've ever participated in a contentious community, it just takes a couple concern trolls to rile up a loud base against any cause. I've seen this happen at my local residents association, I've seen it happen on discords, and I see it happen on reddit all the time. Outrage, concern trolling, etc are extremely overpowered. It doesn't take AI to usurp a social democracy, it just takes a few toxic people.
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