Shadow06 pfp



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Shadow06 pfp
What did we learn about PoS from TAO?
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Shadow06 pfp
Is Proof of Work a plutocracy of miners and Proof of Stake an Oligarchy of Validators?
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Shadow06 pfp
Is this just a Proof of Stake echo chamber or are there any Proof of Work peeps around here?
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Shadow06 pfp
Whats worse, a CBDC, a Plutocracy of miners, or an Oligarchy of Validators?
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Shadow06 pfp
Hey doomers.... Just read history... Embrace the renaissance and get ready to be the next founding peeps! Take some psychedelics and "find the others" Oh... and exercise.
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Shadow06 pfp
Hiding scammers/exploits from seeing the light of day allows everyone to remain ignorant and weak. This leads to slower innovation and overall growth. Kill KYC.
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Shadow06 pfp
KYC is for protecting uneducated people and the powerful from pitchfork mobs. Educated populations with peer 2 peer economies don't require it and are more efficient in the end.
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Shadow06 pfp
If I don't want to use Metamask... What's the next best option? Looking for maximum network and dapp support.
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Shadow06 pfp
Any other PoW fans here?
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Shadow06 pfp
First we gave up on security. Then we gave up on decentralization... Now this...
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Shadow06 pfp
ETH is the CIA's preferred CBDC.
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Shadow06 pfp
Why are we ignoring the fact that PoS is really a social consensus and there are more gains to be had by changing the rules than keeping them the same?
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Shadow06 pfp
This is what happens when script-kiddies think they can rebuild the web. It's even worse when they try to build blockchains:
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Shadow06 pfp
So ETH is decentralized because it was once PoW? So now it's a cartel of validators that make gains everytime they change the rules? 🤔
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Shadow06 pfp
Isn't PoS and MEV kindof the achilles heel of decentralization? Did we give up on that?
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