seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp



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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
good day
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
BTC 1. Yesterday’s shrinkage rebounded, and the current consolidation is within a narrow range around the EMA moving average. 2. Although there is a short-term rebound, it is still subject to key pressures. There are multiple pressures around 63000 - EMA moving average + downward trend line + starting point of decline. You can still pay attention to short selling opportunities at this position. 3. In the 4H trend, the pressure near 62500 has been touched many times recently, but most of the K-lines with prices at this position have long upper shadows, indicating that the pressure at this position is relatively high. 4. In the short-term trend, pay attention to the suppression of price by the short-term EMA in the 4H chart. This position is also located at the key reversal level of Fibonacci 0.618 (note: even if it breaks through 62500, the market outlook still needs to pay attention to the performance of the strong pressure of 63000. In addition, In addition, it is also necessary to consider the potential
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
feels bullish that government don't "hodl" memecoins
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
[Strategy Tracking] Because BTC was affected by the negative impact of Mentougou's upcoming compensation, it was relatively weak last night, while some altcoins performed relatively strongly and also experienced a relatively large rebound. For example, agix, which we prompted to buy and track twice yesterday, is currently the largest The floating profit is about 25%, which is relatively close to the first profit-taking target. Pay attention to the profit-taking timing. Our follow-up idea is that if it falls to the entry range in the later period, we can continue to buy again and game the rising market before the delisting on July 1 and the merger on July 15.
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
What determines your strategy? -Trends determine your own strategy -Entry cost determines your own strategy -Position size determines your own strategy -Investment style determines your own strategy -Risk preference determines your own strategy 1. Trends determine strategies. There is nothing to say. Generally, ma20 combined with ma120 are good for judging small and medium trends. When this one cannot be judged, use the following to guide yourself; 2. Entry cost determines strategy: that is, other people's cost is 10 yuan, and your cost is 30 yuan. When the market retreats, if it is close to your cost, or near the cost line, you may have to stop loss; 3. Position size determines your own strategy: Partner A has only entered in the past 1-2 months. , he was short position, missed half of the bull market, and just started to enter the market recently, but was buried as soon as he entered the market, but he only entered less than 1/5-1/4, so when the market fell,
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
BTC 1. The long-term trend still maintains a triangular arrangement, but we need to pay attention to the support resonance point between the middle rail of the channel and the previous high. In view of the recent weak rebound of bulls, we need to always be vigilant about short raids. 2. The lower rail support in the short-term triangle trend fell slightly. If the bulls cannot stand firm quickly, they are expected to fall again. The lower support focuses on the channel location and the EMA moving average support, which is basically around 63000-63500. 3. In a weak trend, priority is given to shorting on rallies. Long positions need to be cautious and must be considered in combination with key supports.
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
ETH🤣 1. The overall trend remains in the triangle adjustment trend. The recent price has maintained a certain strength compared with BTC. Long orders are the preferred option. 2. In terms of support below, the resonance support of 3350 has been confirmed. As the price trend moves, the follow-up of the EMA indicator once again points to the key support near the 3200-3300 range, and the room for decline is relatively limited. 3. In terms of indicators, the recent overbought and oversold KD indicators provide corresponding trading opportunities. In the short term, we need to pay attention to the support of the channel mid-rail, combined with the long order layout of KD oversold.
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
BTC has continued to make profits on multiple orders around 64,000-64,300 US dollars, and has now broken through the key position around 65,830 US dollars. Regardless of whether it has been profitable and reduced its holdings (individuals have reduced their holdings by 30% to lock in profits), the current upper resistance is around 66,700-66,800 US dollars. Therefore, our first take-profit target can be changed to $66,600 (caused by the downward trend line moving downward), and the second target is still $68,400. At the same time, the stop loss is moved up to the cost position, so that even if it falls later, there will be no loss.
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
ETH 1. The fluctuation of ETH yesterday was relatively limited. The current price is relatively close to the upper edge of the 3350-3650 shock range. The price is still facing two strong pressure levels of 3650 and 3700. Before there is a strong breakthrough, these two positions are still relatively good. empty point 2. In terms of indicators, there are certain differences between the long and short positions in the 4H chart. That is, the super trend indicator supports the rebound on the MACD long kinetic energy column, but the Williams Alligator line and KD indicator are beneficial to the short positions. However, the pressure position is relatively close. During the day, we will focus on the pressure situation in the 3600-3650 range. The overall view is consistent with the first point.
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
3. In the pattern trend, the price did not set a new low according to the standard channel, but instead flattened after being supported at a low level, indicating that while the short-selling force is weakening, the bulls also have a chance to breathe 4. The pressure level needs to pay attention to: the overlap of MA120 and MA200, and the potential short-selling opportunities at the upper edge of the rectangular oscillation range 5. Both short-term declines and rebounds are running within the range. It is not advisable to be overly bullish or bearish in trading. The overall range oscillation approach should be used.
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
ETH 1. Yesterday's daily line touched the previous low near 3350 again and was supported, and the retracement was confirmed to be effective 2. The current price is running in the 3350-3700 range. Due to the current strong rebound, priority should be given to the performance near the upper pressure level
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
BTC 1、周线级别需留意潜在的双顶结构,角度线上触及3/1支撑的表现较差,反弹力度较弱的情况下需要关注破位的可能性,若跌破将产生深度回调
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
Real builders commit, and I just committed 111.00K $BUILD tokens to the BUILD Summer Fund. 🫡
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
SOL 1. The trend of SOL is highly correlated with that of mainstream currencies, and they almost rise and fall together 2. The overall structure remains in the channel, and the support points of recent attention are concentrated around 140
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
Daily level: After 20 days of high consolidation, ETH's K line currently fell below the lower edge of the rising channel. The more effective support below is the upper edge of the range of the lower consolidation frame, which is around 3250.
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
ETH analysis: Weekly level: ETH encountered the previous high point, and was blocked and closed in the form of a negative cross star for two consecutive days, and the price rushed into the previous high, but the MACD line and MACD column gradually moved downward, and the MACD top divergence was initially formed.
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
BTC 宏观面 1、上周五非农数据大幅利空影响下,多头反弹乏力空头持续发酵 2、本周三将公布CPI数据以及周四凌晨将公布利率决议,对于短线波动以及趋势的产生有重大影响,需重点留意
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
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seyago↑🔵🎩🍖 pfp
链上数据显示,#BTC #ETH 的抛压不重,托盘力量保持平稳。ETF在就业数据的强劲之下承受了抛压。 #BTC 和 #ETH 虽然受宏观影响发生了回调,但盘整估计在一周内会稳定下来,后续盘面依然看多,ETH显得比BTC更强劲。
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