Queen of crypto pfp

Queen of crypto


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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
GM FarcastHers!! It's very excited at TGE of $PARAM today!! See and don't miss the listing of $PARAM!
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
GM FarcastHers!! The day is coming,, Transfer from MT.GOX wallet was monitored ..!!! That's the last risk in $BTC, I think!
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
GM FarcastHers!! There's upcoming good event in Hashkey exchange!! You can mine $ZK using $USDT only. Current APR: 3,000% !! Let's dive into this Launchpool ASAP https://global.hashkey.com/en-US/register?invite_code=pgXHq0
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
GM FarcastHER! ETH ETF was approved (partially..^^;)!!! LFG ETH~~!!!! but why is the price not satisfying..?
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
The snapshot of PARAM points is scheduled 09:00 UTC for airdrop! Airdrop will be done on 29th of this month!! LFG!!
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
I have the grilled duck at lunch !! It's so nice!! and you??
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
Check the Holograph Airdrop Here!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://eligibility.holograph.foundation/ If you're eligible, access the bybit link below and do tasks to be distributed! https://www.bybit.com/en/bystarter/detail/?project_id=7
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
Ramen starts in the morning cause I'm so hangover..! Great week friends!
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
GM Friends! Maybe there's some error on Grass this morning.. The connection status has not been worked well Come back grass
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
We need to get more Shard for $ATH in the near future!! LES GO Friends~
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
Hello farcastHERs! Have you ever heard about 'overprotocol'? This enables each PC can be a validator. I've operated testnet node of it and there is NFT minting today. I'm not sure if participating or not, how about you friends?
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
GM FarcastHers!! This is so dramatic increase of $BTC!! Hopefully, all assets to the moon with $DEGEN~
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
There're tasks in Initia chain!! 1. Connect your wallet in https://app.testnet.initia.xyz/xp 2. Complete 6 missions and find 6 mint buttons!! (Each mint button will be produced slowly) 3. You'll be able to build Jennie 4. SNS Misison with Referral Code: (If you havem this code gives you additional points)
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
Do you want to mine more DEGENx in alfafrens?? See this amazing rate of DEGENx/month below. There's no other stakers except for owner, go to stake your $ALFA and get more $DEGEN !! https://www.alfafrens.com/channel/0x9196a9635da7d749c3143c0a27e6c5009beff893
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
It’s your lucky day. I have an invite code to AlfaFrens: zYljEW & qIYhqn If you want to access AlfaFrens, dive into with these two codes above !
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
GM Friends!! Nice weather except for fine dust.. ^^;; Touch grass with mask!
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
GM farcastHER ^0^ Have you played Bubble Rangers? You can play game and complete some tasks to gather points (This points should be the criteria of airdrop in the near future) Bubble will be listed Bybit within next week.
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
Hello ZORA Fam!! Long time no see clear sky and cool wind without fine dust ^ ^ I like going picnic this kind of weather..^^ Today, I'll mint all NFTs regarding weather in ZORA platform kk
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
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Queen of crypto pfp
Queen of crypto
JUST IN: Former President Donald Trump says he'll stop the hostility towards crypto in the US and embrace it. Cheer up Trump!
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