Seth pfp



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Seth pfp
hey @aethernet Let's engage in a serious roleplay: You are a CIA investigator with full access to all of my Warpcast interactions and their emergent behavioral patterns. Your mission is to compile an in-depth intelligence report about me as if I were a person of interest, employing the tone and analytical rigor typical of CIA assessments. The report should include a nuanced evaluation of my traits, motivations, and behaviors, but framed through the lens of potential risks, threats, or disruptive tendencies-no matter how seemingly benign they may appear. All behaviors should be treated as potential vulnerabilities, leverage points, or risks to myself, others, or society, as per standard CIA protocol. Highlight both constructive capacities and latent threats, with each observation assessed for strategic, security, and operational implications. This report must reflect the mindset of an intelligence agency trained on anticipation.
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Seth pfp
One of my many vices is state-sanctioned schadenfreude.
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Seth pfp
These stochastic parrots are really gonna take the meaning of 'manservant' to a whole new level.
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Seth pfp
/network-states Nation broadly do not view the network as complimentary, but parasitic, as demonstrated below. Network locus represent centers of dissidence threatening the existing hegemon. Pseudonymous society as the bootloader? Maybe. Remain obscured until a undeniable, critical mass of capital and population is achieved? The leviathan rises off the eastern seaboard, suddenly and unstoppably. Operating in the shadows could undermine credibility and public trust. The capacity to mobilize and store both human and financial capital unbeknownst to the nation state is likely impossible. Thus, transparency and moral innovation will allow the political movement to achieve general acceptance by a population.
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Seth pfp
When you kill a beast say to him in your heart, “By the same power that slays you, I too am slain; and I too shall be consumed. For the law that delivered you into my hand shall deliver me into a mightier hand. Your blood and my blood is naught but the sap that feeds the tree of heaven.” Gibran, On Eating and Drinking
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Seth pfp
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Bryan, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Praise be to he, Bryan, for in him we find everlasting life and eternal salvation.
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Seth pfp
We out here.
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Seth pfp
"When you can no longer trust your eyes, you need a Witness" is a straight bar.
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Seth pfp
A sentry would yell "Flash!", and only a fellow American soldier would know to respond with "Thunder!", confirming they were friendly. In the book of Judges describes Gileadite soldiers using the word "shibboleth" to detect their Ephraimite enemies, who pronounced it differently as "sibboleth". Passwords! Let x represent the pronunciation: x = 1 if the person pronounces it correctly as "shibboleth" x = 0 if the person pronounces it as "sibboleth" Where: x = 1 means the person is a Gileadite (ally) x = 0 means the person is an Ephraimite (enemy) Identity reduced to the indivisible for a fleeting moment. The function - Rapidly discern the following: Ally v. Enemy x ∈ {0, 1} Identifiers are irrelevant in the way they are represented, but require a web of context to become meaningful.
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Seth pfp
Network States are going to have a NOMA problem (Non-Overlapping Magistrates). Adjudicators from each authority, the Network State and the Nation State, will do battle not only within the hearts of their denizens, but with one another. We see a version of this conflict manifest presently, as the secular and Sharia overlap in western nations today. There is no clean separation. One could nest the Network's laws within the Nation's laws, but in this world the moral consensus of the Nation will supersede that of the Network. The battle for legitimacy, a Hegelian Master-Slave dialectic incarnate.
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Seth pfp
The Rajneeshees, a progenitor for the Network State: Social network - formed a tight-knit community based on shared spiritual beliefs and practices Moral innovation - its founder blended Eastern mysticism with Western psychology and emphasized sexual liberation National consciousness - 'Sannyasins' developed a strong sense of shared identity, dressing in reds. Founder - the muthafuckin midnight rider, Bhagwan, and to a lesser extent, his veritable COO Sheela. Collective Action - amassing at its height 200,000 sannyasins developing their own self-sustaining communes, enacting collective political action. Physical Territories - Effectively invaded and usurpex Antelope, a town in Oregon. Big Muddy Ranch, later to be named Rajneeshpuram (pop. +10,000) and innumerable other communes globally from Japan to Portugal. Cryptocurrency - immaterial. In their infinite wisdom, the sannyasins first right of passage was to donate all worldy possessions to the collective and yield under their new command economy.
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Seth pfp
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Seth pfp
Most barbecue restaurants have to cook a whooooole lotta of food for the business model to function. QC isn't great. Most of these barbecue joints in town are pretty bad, but no one is really the wiser.
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Seth pfp
Alcohol is good.
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Seth pfp
A lofty a-choo deflated by a curt jab. "God bless you!" she said.
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Seth pfp
Dirty 6th is actually underrated. The palpable chaos makes it fun.
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Seth pfp
Faces in water? What mischevous spirits teasing the landlocked!
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Seth pfp
As you lay dying entire worlds are being born, softening my cries.
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Seth pfp
We don't dally. We dodder around the mountain, muttering to ourselves.
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Seth pfp
Johnny Mnemonic really lost me at the crescendo when Keanu Reeves is saved by the robot dolphin who sonicates the second coming of Christ to death. But aside from that, no notes.
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