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🚀 Exciting news! @AutoLayer is running a road-to-IDO campaign. With a prize campaign of $200,000 LAY3R + $100,000 IDO WHITELIST. @AutoLayer is the perfect financial application for Liquid Restocking Tokens (LRT). Allowing you to Easily re-stake different tokens with a single click, optimising returns while keeping it simple and efficient, enabling unprecedented profits through intuitive LRTfi automation. 📈 The ‘Road to IDO’ campaign aims to prepare AutoLayer for the initial DEX offering (IDO) Participate and be part of the future! #CryptoNews #IDO Join the Community: Follow @AutoLayer for updates. Participate in Events: Take part in community… events and earn rewards. 🎉 Don't miss out on the Road-to-IDO Campaign! Visit […+] to learn more and join the revolution. #CryptoCommunity #DeFiRevolution @autolayer # LRTfi #LAY3R
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