CBobRobison pfp
🚀 Announcing: A Nounish DAO for Punks We're airdropping a NounsDAO to all CryptoPunks holders. You will now govern an ever-growing treasury of ETH, which can be used to invest in the wider punks community! One new daopunk per day, forever. Traits are rare. No repeats.
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seneca pfp
very cool. excited to see this play out. good luck!
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CBobRobison pfp
Thank you so much! We also have a fully detailed thread on Twitter if you feel so inclined to help folks discover it there. Appreciate you engaging here already 🙏 https://twitter.com/CBobRobison/status/1706737045996290283?t=qldlZ8i8A5_7CDoxYZ9xYg&s=19
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