Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
If you're channel has a bunch of spam or LLM-generated generic casts, consider a channel pass for 100 warps. Will have a way to gift channel passes soon, but for every paid pass of 100 warps you can gift 100 warps on a profile of a good user.
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seneca pfp
+1 on the channel pass as a way to deter spam. prob becomes a default for every channel.
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Cake One 🎩🔵🎭🔴🎙️ pfp
Cake One 🎩🔵🎭🔴🎙️
True but not everyone can pay for every nice channels. Doesn’t mean they are bots. It can mean they have limited means. I mean I just paid 800+ for /base That’s quite a lot especially if you add 100 here and 100 there. Not complaining but not everyone can. 🤷‍♀️
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