Max pfp
1/ BIG release day πŸ₯πŸ₯ Embedded wallets are now EIP-1193 compatible, meaning they'll automatically work with your existing ethers (and more!) code to prompt transactions / signatures for users With Privy, a user is a user, regardless of where they're at in their web3 journey!
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Max pfp
2/ This is a massive win/win and one of our most exciting launches to date 🦾 Developers get GREAT DX because embedded wallets are compatible with your existing code Users get optimal UX because embedded wallets are now as flexible and powerful as external wallets 🀝🀝
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Max pfp
3/ No more branching in your code for different user types πŸͺ“πŸͺ“ Check out how easy it is to use embedded wallets with an ethers signer in our docs, and visit to see embedded wallets in action!
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