Shane da Silva pfp

Shane da Silva


479 Following

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Anyone using mise (asdf/nvm/etc alternative, formally called rtx)? Interesting but perhaps risky to fuse tool version management with environment variable setting and traditional Makefile tasks—but a lower barrier to entry than nix.
10 replies
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Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Fun Farcaster Fact: the port that Hubs use to gossip information—2282—comes from the year the Hegira began in the Hyperion series: the exodus of humanity from Earth to the stars.
6 replies
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57 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Postgres in the browser. This space is starting to get really interesting.
4 replies
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23 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Anyone had a chance to try Zellij as an alternative to tmux/screen? Hearing good things.
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Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Thank you Görli for all you did in the early days of Farcaster. May you find peace in the digital afterlife.
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31 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
10 replies
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Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Never has such a boring title given me such excitement.
13 replies
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Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Help us improve making exceptional circumstances easier for both users and developers to understand.
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18 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
A good writeup (if perhaps a bit hard on the eyes color-wise) with some practical strategies. The use of views to implement logical sharding before physical was a nice simplification.
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19 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Anyone have experience running their own time series database for exposing analytics back to customers (i.e. not purely for internal use). Thinking about giving frame developers much more detailed analytics on their frames, and exploring one of a few options.
33 replies
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22 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
About time.
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14 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
We just enabled hot-linking protection. This prevents certain sites from showing images/videos served by our CDN. It does NOT prevent the image from the original Farcaster message from being served. If images are no longer rendering for you, let us know!
6 replies
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15 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Anyone have experience running Patroni as a high availability + failover solution for PG? Curious to hear stories both good and bad.
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3 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Our public dashboard now shows the worst-case time for messages flowing in both directions: - Messages sent to Hubs received by Warpcast - Messages from Warpcast sent to Hubs You can find the public dashboard here:
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11 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Something does not compute.
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6 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Shut up Uber, you’re drunk
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8 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Exciting if this comes to pass.
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23 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
With all that's happening in the world, there are times where the classics hit harder. This is one of them.
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10 reactions

Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
A reminder
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Shane da Silva pfp
Shane da Silva
Feels like it was less than 10 years ago... 😬
1 reply
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6 reactions