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Part 11 •Shahnameh•The book of kings
The Birth of Feraydun
Many days passed, and Zahhak lived in fear. The noble Feraydun was born, and the world was renewed. He grew as tall as a straight cypress tree, and Jamshid’s imperial farr radiated from him as if he were the sun. He was as necessary to the earth as rain, as fitting to the soul as wisdom. The turning heavens passed over Feraydun and cherished him with loving kindness. The cow called Barmayeh, the most splendid of all cows, was also born: she was like a peacock, and every hair of her body was a different color. Wise men, astrologers, and priests, gathered about her and said that no one in the world had ever seen such a cow, or heard of her like from the ancient sages. 4 replies
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