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KMac🎩🍌 pfp
@ccarella.eth et al What’s the thinking for next purple nft artist? Open a prophouse & see what’s out there? Winner gets same deal as 0xen?
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ccarella pfp
I'd rather have someone come forward with a plan. I know some are thinking about it. It's also a lot of work and requires a very specific way to make the art, and I worry people might yolo on Prop House and not fully understand.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
What's the "very specific way"? Can you be more specific? :-)
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ccarella pfp
The artwork is made from a series of layers, each day one is automatically created by selecting a random image from each layer.
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scottrepreneur pfp
Would @0xen be willing to do a mini-workshop on their process here for the season 1 art? Curious about the renderer myself and would be helpful for the future too! Happy to try to catch a recording, if I can make it. @gnars has some good knowledge here too probably 😎
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KMac🎩🍌 pfp
Haha you beat me to it.
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ccarella pfp
I'd love to loop @zaak into something like this because I'd love to learn more about how we can implement a custom renderer and what's it's capabilities could be. I know this is possible but understand about 0% of it.
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