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Not like year needs to be repeated, so could it be sticky? Anchored to left of container above months. Then months scroll beneath and quarters behind. As next year comes along above Jan (I’d be ok not having Q1 then) it knocks prev year out. Pattern works for months n weeks level too.
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Cheers! I was just thinking about clearer labeling and creating some consistency with the buyer side UI really. Nice clear primary CTA for example.
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I've not used @opensea for selling, but took a crack at improving this "nightmare" (totally agree). Thought it important to contextualise the bid price as a % of listed clearly, so listers can make more informed decisions. When negotiating, thinking in percentages often helps grease the deal wheels.
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Definitely still wireframing. It’s a “medium is the msg” thing. Low-fi wires communicate to colleagues “this is an idea, fragile n moldable”. Which leads to better thinking n ideas. Hi-fi ideas paralyse collaboration. No one wants to shit on an idea that looks finished, if it seems adequate enough.
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