Scott Belsky pfp

Scott Belsky


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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
ego is the carbs of accomplishment as it gains, it simultaneously satisfies and slows you down and makes you less desireable to work with
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
when everybody is a bad driver, you’re probably a bad driver
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
I recently went on Rick Rubin’s podcast. We got to talk about: - internet history - little tech vs big tech - internet economic models - composability & open source software - blockchains & tokens - software as art And much more. You can listen here:
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
we tend to protect what we create as precious, but we must be willing to sacrifice what is precious to create
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
the loosely sensical haywire of our brains (with primitive instincts subconsciously kicking in) is one thing that reasoning machines and algos can’t outperform I suspect we will develop a newfound appreciation for human subtleties and EQ in the AI era ahead...
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
sometimes (often times?) the person crazy enough to start something isn’t sane enough to finish it.
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Jon Perkins pfp
Jon Perkins
A couple of mine would be: - The Messy Middle by @scottbelsky - Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
Every time you double the production of solar, the cost comes down by approximately 44%. Let's keep accelerating!
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
becoming increasingly clear: humanity will consume all of the compute we can. the true limiter is energy (and economics, which is also basically energy)
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Dan Kenney 💜 pfp
Dan Kenney 💜
Team moar ⚡️
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
thinking about “the era of abstraction” ahead of us - and the implications.
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
as the use cases of these nft’s becomes more intricate, so can the discussions - no? I remember the early incarnation of this, I just think you tested that before you had a critical mass of people. not that you do, seems more opportune
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
@dwr.eth how do you start a token gated channel? and why doesn’t any NFT family with mutual owners not have a default token gated channel? or am I just thinking about this all wrong or missing something?
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
is this a token gated frame/chat?
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
this is very cool / significant
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
I don’t think it is. skills can be learned, taste comes from the life experience
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
taste > skills taste seems more scarce these days, and increasingly differentiating in the age of AI where so much of skills-based productivity is offloaded to compute. makes me think about the development of taste, and how we nurture taste for the next gen of humans.
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
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