Scott Belsky pfp

Scott Belsky


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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
ego is the carbs of accomplishment as it gains, it simultaneously satisfies and slows you down and makes you less desireable to work with
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
when everybody is a bad driver, you’re probably a bad driver
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
we tend to protect what we create as precious, but we must be willing to sacrifice what is precious to create
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
the loosely sensical haywire of our brains (with primitive instincts subconsciously kicking in) is one thing that reasoning machines and algos can’t outperform I suspect we will develop a newfound appreciation for human subtleties and EQ in the AI era ahead...
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
sometimes (often times?) the person crazy enough to start something isn’t sane enough to finish it.
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
becoming increasingly clear: humanity will consume all of the compute we can. the true limiter is energy (and economics, which is also basically energy)
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
thinking about “the era of abstraction” ahead of us - and the implications.
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
@dwr.eth how do you start a token gated channel? and why doesn’t any NFT family with mutual owners not have a default token gated channel? or am I just thinking about this all wrong or missing something?
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
is this a token gated frame/chat?
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
taste > skills taste seems more scarce these days, and increasingly differentiating in the age of AI where so much of skills-based productivity is offloaded to compute. makes me think about the development of taste, and how we nurture taste for the next gen of humans.
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
clearing the mental cache
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
the psyche of “trying to make it” vs. “trying to sustain something that works” are completely different. the secret to the latter is to adopt the former.
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
perhaps the underlying assumption of “the most entertaining outcome being the most likely” is that we are unable to wrangle our own attention, and that whatever captures our attention penetrates our reasoning.
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
likely team take-away at OpenAI from last week or so in a few years: with the right culture and north star, volatility makes a team stronger
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
It’s easy and popular to be cynical of a risky/bold project in a big company, and risky to be confident. Sums up why entrepreneur-types with vision get pretty frustrated pretty quickly…
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
thoughts on implications of attention/optimizing algos, and a few other topics.
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Scott Belsky pfp
Scott Belsky
human brains (especially non-builders) can’t defy tendency to understand/feel comfortable w/ familiar things and repel raw new innovations (at least initially, until they experience it repeatedly) by default. it’s a biological survival mechanism…
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