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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
You know those posts that are like: "YOOOOO! Rank FIVE! 3000000 dijons to give awaaaaaaay! The first fifty rubes to dance for me and pump my engagement stats get a share of the money that isn't miiiiiiiine!!!!! LOVE MEEEEEE! LFGGG πŸŽ‰" Fuck those posts in particular.
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Max Jackson ✨🎩 pfp
Max Jackson ✨🎩
But really unfortunate thing is it changes the game for everybody else. When those posts get a lot of engagement, it encourages everybody else post the same way because It's clearly a way to make more money. The raffles and contests are kind of sus. But ppl feel obligated to keep up.
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SchmRdty.eth πŸŽ©β›“οΈ πŸ«‚ pfp
SchmRdty.eth πŸŽ©β›“οΈ πŸ«‚
This is part of the reason I’ve been so hesitant about participating in GAWs. I want to attract people genuinely interested in what I’m doing, not ones that just want some degen. Two things can be real
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