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/3 Currently, the industry focuses on web-first because it’s cheaper and easier to validate theories, especially for use cases that show "what Web3 can do that Web2 can’t." Here, convenience and UX aren’t top priorities. The current target groups are niche: cypherpunks (who see Web2 as unfair), those underserved by Web2 (like the unbanked or those in underdeveloped areas), or speculators (who find Web2 more regulated or less profitable).
Thus, the rationale for building web-first is the lower cost and faster validation. Mobile wallets emerged only after browser wallets gained traction, and mobile swaps followed after web-based swaps achieved product-market fit. Building on mobile (a slower, costlier stack) only makes sense when web validation isn’t feasible, mobile competition is low, or when it’s cheaper/more efficient for your team to validate hypotheses on mobile (e.g., if your CTO is a mobile engineer). 0 reply
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