Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Who’s the king of memecaster? @dwr.eth doesn’t count
7 replies
0 recast
6 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
And queen*
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
now that's a trick question cause memes are democratic
1 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

7858 pfp
Nominees: @july but he interrupts the flow of memes pretty regularly with thoughtful original discourse, possible abdication @nonlinear.eth @n64jerry @esskayen @lawl @bias
5 replies
0 recast
3 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
@nc is pretty good
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

KMac🎩🍌 pfp
@king is fastest growing imo
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

696🎩 pfp
I'm the memer now!
0 reply
1 recast
1 reaction