saya🍖 pfp



349 Following

saya🍖 pfp
I managed to distribute the ham before the reset.
4 replies
2 recasts
4 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
gn ham fam
1 reply
1 recast
1 reaction

saya🍖 pfp
There is still some ham left. I'll share it with everyone in the morning. I hope I can wake up before the reset.
4 replies
0 recast
3 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
Today was so busy, let's have some ham together.
6 replies
1 recast
6 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
On climbing day, the ham is given out at home as usual
9 replies
3 recasts
9 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
gm ham fam
3 replies
2 recasts
3 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
Gm ham fam Tomorrow I have to get up early to go to the climbing gym to check the surveillance cameras and find my lost shoes. I hope I can find them smoothly. I'll post the remaining ham in the comments under the previous cast tomorrow morning.
1 reply
1 recast
2 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
It seems there's still some ham left, but the frame hasn't been updated yet.
8 replies
3 recasts
7 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
Let's have some ham for a midnight snack.
6 replies
0 recast
4 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
It has been raining for ten days straight, I'm about to grow mushrooms. But the ham must not stop.
5 replies
2 recasts
4 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
What did you all have for dinner tonight? I met up with a friend I haven't seen in a long time, and we had hotpot together—ham hotpot.
6 replies
0 recast
5 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
gm ham fam It has been raining for ten days straight, I'm about to grow mushrooms
8 replies
2 recasts
7 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
I'm going to sleep now, my migraine is acting up again Gm ham🍖 fam, see you tomorrow
2 replies
2 recasts
3 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
I'm hungry, let's have some ham for a midnight snack.
4 replies
0 recast
5 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
Hoya plants are really fun!
2 replies
0 recast
3 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
I still have some ham left. Who needs a ham dinner?
9 replies
2 recasts
7 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
On a rainy day, I gave my home a thorough cleaning. Now, I'm sitting in a clean room, eating ham🍖 and listening to the sound of the rain. It's very cozy
6 replies
1 recast
8 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
Where are my ham fam?
5 replies
0 recast
5 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
Gm, ham fam, did you sleep well last night?
2 replies
1 recast
3 reactions

saya🍖 pfp
Gn,ham fam. Wishing you all a sweet and wonderful dream. See you tomorrow
7 replies
0 recast
6 reactions