Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
58% of American adults have heard of ChatGPT, but only 14% have used it, according to a new Survey from the Pew Research Center. 14% seems pretty high. More deets: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/05/24/a-majority-of-americans-have-heard-of-chatgpt-but-few-have-tried-it-themselves/
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nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
Feels low to me actually
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Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
I don’t know. Tech adoption happens way slower than most of us assume. And there’s lots of resistance and avoidance when it comes to AI. I think it’s pretty high and the 14% is likely coming from tech hubs.
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