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SamSaturn pfp
Organic molecules that could not have formed in space were found in meteorites that fell to Earth.These molecules could have been brought to Earth from another planet where life exists.This discovery was another step towards proving the existence of extraterrestrial life.
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SamSaturn pfp
The moss Syntrichia caninervis is a promising candidate to be a pioneer plant for colonizing Mars.
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SamSaturn pfp
The robotic Mars rover Zhurong has recorded radio signals on Mars that cannot be explained by terrestrial sources. The signals have a non-repeating structure and do not resemble anything that has been encountered before. Scientists do not yet know what is the source of these signals, but suggest that they may be of artificial origin.
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SamSaturn pfp
Scientists from NASA have discovered an Earth-sized planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a red dwarf. This means that on the surface of this planet may be liquid water, necessary for life. The planet has been named GJ 1002 b and is 11 light-years away from Earth.
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SamSaturn pfp
I got my Moxie Pass! Mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack
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SamSaturn pfp
Stanford University professor Harry Nolan spoke at the conference "The Pentagon, extraterrestrial intelligence and crashed UFOs" held in the United States. There, the scientist stated that aliens have visited Earth and are "still here".
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SamSaturn pfp
Famous astrophysicist and Harvard University professor Avi Loeb admitted that representatives of other worlds will make first contact not with humans. Most likely, they will communicate with artificial intelligence.
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SamSaturn pfp
Mass 'UFO' sighting caught on camera in California
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SamSaturn pfp
Scientists believe that the future inhabitants of the Red Planet will cease to be humans in the usual sense of the word.
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SamSaturn pfp
British cosmologist and astrophysicist Martin Rees believes that humans have yet to discover the presence of alien civilizations not because "there aren't any in space." "They may simply be more contemplative. We can't assess whether the great silence of space means they are absent or just favored."
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SamSaturn pfp
damn... At a press conference for the media on January 12, scientists presented the results of their study of these mysterious mummies. It turned out that the humanoid dolls are of earthly origin and were made of human and animal bones. Specialists have completely ruled out the possibility that these are the remains of aliens.
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SamSaturn pfp
AI has proposed drastically reducing the intensity of communication with extraterrestrials The idea of the project was to assess the likelihood of coexistence of civilizations pursuing a variety of goals, from hostile to peaceful. In all three scenarios, the belligerent neighbor would launch a campaign to destroy Earth, but only if it realized it had greater military power
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SamSaturn pfp
Proven: Earth life can be detected from another planetary system
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SamSaturn pfp
Harvard professor Avi Loeb (Abraham Loeb), who believes that humans are not alone in the universe, has put forward a new suggestion that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations can move through additional dimensions that physicists at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) are trying to detect.
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SamSaturn pfp
The mystery of the apparent “alien corpses” shown in Mexico’s Congress has now taken an even more perplexing turn after new DNA findings were revealed. New DNA data shows that more than 30% of the genetic material is unknown to science
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SamSaturn pfp
Secret Vatican archives may hold UFO information, researchers have said
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SamSaturn pfp
do you like zkSync?)
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SamSaturn pfp
Well, no, do you seriously think there are no aliens?
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SamSaturn pfp
the U.S. government withholds information about unidentified flying object crashes and biological remains of extraterrestrial origin that have been found.
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SamSaturn pfp
do you think aliens would be interested in crypto?
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