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jcdenton.cast pfp
Hey $DEGEN devs 🎩 , we just hit 200+ API keys for our free & open-source Farcaster APIs! They've been battle tested on @farquest 👁️ Time to get to building on Farcaster without a monthly bill 🎩🎩🎩
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Satoshi 🎩 pfp
Satoshi 🎩
Another question, what is the restriction, is there a speech restriction and post and content restriction in this network? Is the process of forming the limit the same as other platforms? Can you explain to me
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jcdenton.cast pfp
At the moment we index all Farcaster data on our APIs, the default feed endpoint is currently unfiltered. That's the premise of Farcaster, the protocol itself is not censorable, but clients are free to apply their own filtering. Spam filtering is a good example of this.
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