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Miguelgarest 🎩 pfp
Miguelgarest 🎩
favorite console controller? Oldskool.gif (2021)
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kartik 🎩 pfp
kartik 🎩
snes is great but I actually loved genesis and Dreamcast!
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Abstrct pfp
Heck ya. Totally agree! Dreamcast VMU was an incredible idea too. Wish it got to see more use or even a second generation
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kartik 🎩 pfp
kartik 🎩
it was the only real “second screen” gaming experience hah! I remember you could have those lil guys from sonic adventure on there and there was this whole game on it!
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Abstrct pfp
It also made you feel like you were carrying your gamer profile around. A feature lost in a world where couch coop lost favour to online play
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