Sassal.eth πŸŽ©β›½ pfp
Sassal.eth πŸŽ©β›½
Even if fails to gain lasting traction, it's still brought many people onchain (specifically onto an L2) and shown that crypto apps can work without needing to be on an app store It's still quite clunky, but it feels like a 0 to 1 moment for onchain/crypto UX
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My theory is people will lose interest and leave a lot holding the bag and it will actually be a net bad, but I'm open to being proven wrong. Experimentation has value, but I just don't think this is that groundbreaking.
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Sassal.eth πŸŽ©β›½ pfp
Sassal.eth πŸŽ©β›½
I think it's groundbreaking for a few reasons: 1. Shows people that crypto apps can bypass the app store 2. The wallet UX is really smooth 3. Gets people using an L2 (cheap fees!) 4. While it's still speculative, the app itself feels distinctly different than just buying random tokens on Uniswap
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j4ck πŸ₯Άβ†‘πŸŽ© icebreaker pfp
j4ck πŸ₯Άβ†‘πŸŽ© icebreaker
#2 is thanks to our friends at privy @henri @segall!
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Thumbs Up 🎩 pfp
Thumbs Up 🎩
Interesting points. I don't disagree with any of them, but as I say, my gut tells me this goes from good to bad fairly quickly so I'm choosing to sit back and watch. Happy for everyone who's having fun 🀝
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Joe Petrich πŸŸͺ pfp
Joe Petrich πŸŸͺ
I really don't know why they didn't implement gasless as well though, would've been the UX cherry on top! And, as I know well, it's possible to build on top of Privy's wallets with either a relayer or AA.
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WebOfTrustβœ¨πŸ”΄ pfp
Mega bullish on 1
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intrepid 🎩 pfp
intrepid 🎩
Agree but I feel once normies enter it at the later stages and loose their bags it may not leave such a wonderful taste in their mouths
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