Sarah Akwisombe  pfp

Sarah Akwisombe


263 Following

Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Getting my head around ordinals and runes thanks to /boysclub - who seem to know just what I need when I need it
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Hello hello, any SMM's interested in rollups / infrastructure here? I have a great role we are working (good $$$). Need to be someone who's regularly posting on twitter and interested in the space themselves. HMU!
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
The competition for top crypto talent is heating up guys... candidates are enjoying multiple job offers, climbing salaries, and more opportunities than ever. But what does that mean for you if you're hiring?
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Gm gm Work smarter not harder
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
I would love to be at this but doing the old day job, go along and meet some other London FC crew!
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Basic caster? EXCUSE ME?!
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
We have a client who are looking for a BD lead, their No1 importance for hiring is clout on twitter. Someone who is a bit of an influencer / sh*tposter but also does BD. Random I know... anyone here fit the bill? LOL
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
It’s your lucky day. I have an invite code to AlfaFrens: T0S0w0
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
What do we think about the new Wes Anderson Montblanc ad? Can they revive the love for the luxury pen as a status symbol?
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Our #retropgf submission - help us do more events like Far(away)Con for the London and Europe Farcaster community! Go like the post below <3
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
If you’re looking for an absolutely FIRE sushi place check out Sushi on Jones in Kings X - incredible omakase, 8 seats.
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
there is a boy at my work who keeps asking me to find frontend devs in toronto pls help
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Every now and then I get a pang of missing Seoul - my favourite city. I’ve been learning Korean on and off for a couple of years now but still have so far to go - hard to learn a language when you’re not surrounded by it daily!
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Y no invite codes bro? The homies were waiting on me 🥺 @alfafrens
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Everyone is shilling their Alfafrens channel by giving tips on which channels to stake on etc. I don’t pretend to know anything about the strategy BUT I will share my daily cute outfits 💅🏻 Get involved if that floats your boat
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Got a great role we are working guys - CMO / head of marketing for a Crypto VC (backings include Solana, Eth, Polkadot, Flare, Algorand)... Get involved, tag someone!
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
Peeps can anyone help with this - we've had a scam website pop up and use our images for their 'team' section, also set up a fake tg profile for my director, messaging people as us etc... It's called How do I make this shit stop lol Reported the twitter and that's gone down
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
You'd think that people working in tech would be quick to spot a fake dev / dev shop but you'd be surprised, startup founders are extremely time stretched and don't always have the necessary time to reference check, corroborate work history...
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Sarah Akwisombe  pfp
Sarah Akwisombe
What’s more London than having your Tesco meal deal on your lunch break in the local public garden? (me and my colleague absorbing vitamin D through our palms because my mum told me it’s good for you idk)
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