saphura pfp



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saphura pfp
what do you think about mask? mask🎭
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saphura pfp
Zora designs for people as creators, not products. We believe more creative sovereignty reveals the inherent value in all ideas rather than extracting value from them.
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saphura pfp
tell me the name of your favorite food👀
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saphura pfp
what do you thing about DEGEN?
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saphura pfp
At its core, Degen Chain reportedly represents a low-cost Layer 3 solution, boasting an architecture designed to cater specifically to community needs. Degen Chain stands out as one of the platforms introducing a community token with its own L3 infrastructure anchored by its native gas token, $DEGEN.
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saphura pfp
Degen Chain, the latest blockchain entrant, has set the crypto industry abuzz with its features and possibilities. The Degen chain was announced on March 28 by pseudonymous founder Jacek and infrastructure provider Syndicate.
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saphura pfp
look at the nature’s design what do you think?
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saphura pfp
Ethereum (ETH) developers have outlined a comprehensive plan for the network’s development in 2024, including significant upgrades and new proposals after their latest execution layer meeting on Dec. 8.
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saphura pfp
Zora Network aims to make minting on its platform "faster, cheaper and more enjoyable," according to a press release.
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saphura pfp
Is Degen a good investment? Is Degen coin a good buy? DEGEN has shown impressive growth and utility within the Farcaster ecosystem. Its community-focused approach and tokenomics show upside potential. However, investors should consider its volatility and market trends before buying
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saphura pfp
Well, look at this picture, what do you think about this picture?
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saphura pfp
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1 /omof
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saphura pfp
Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network.
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saphura pfp
The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were two American brothers from Ohio who are famous for inventing the first powered, heavier-than-air controllable airplane on December 17, 1903.
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saphura pfp
Zora Network expands Ethereum for artists, creators, and communities. It makes Ethereum faster, cheaper, and more enjoyable for minting by creating a place for more on-chain expression and experimentation”, Tyson Battistella, founder of Zora.
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saphura pfp
Not only is Bitcoin (BTC) the first cryptocurrency, but it’s also the best known of the more than 19,000 cryptocurrencies in existence today. Financial media eagerly covers each new dramatic high and stomach-churning decline, making Bitcoin an inescapable part of the landscape.
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saphura pfp
This photo smells like spring The beauty of flowers is indescribable what is your opinion? Do you like flowers?
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saphura pfp
Zora is not just another NFT marketplace: it’s a decentralized protocol designed to empower creators, enabling them to mint, trade, and share their digital masterpieces with the world.
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saphura pfp
Let's get down to business. You have two ways to obtain degen : either by purchasing it on one of the DEX and CEX where it is listed, or by earning it through the Web3 social network
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saphura pfp
what gives people feelings of power? money status $Degen (a larg part of this power is degen)
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