balajis pfp
Cloud Cartography: $1000 Prize We need maps of the cloud. And Farcaster can start providing those maps, because it's an open state social network. That is: Farcaster's database is public and viewable if running a hub. So here's what I'd like to see: a Python script, hosted at, that lets you paste in N usernames to generate an in-browser visualization of the social network between those N people, with a slider that visualizes their interconnections as a function of time. As you drag the slider, your code should display various metrics like the number of edges, the adjacency matrix, and the all-pairs-shortest-path matrix ( as a function of time. This will allow you to visualize a network of N people coming together, by connecting, over time. All your code should be open source, your visualizations should be pretty and mobile friendly, and you can add other features so long as you nail the main ones. @bountybot
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Sankalp pfp
I don’t know about this one but we have a hardcore engineering team working on an autonomous parallel cloud. Discussed with loads of people during the @thenetworkstate conf on Sunday and almost everyone there needs a self-sovereign cloud. Without that digitally native network states are just not possible.
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