Gökhan Seckin pfp
Gökhan Seckin
@dwr.eth How can I validate @vitalik.eth is controlled by vitalik.eth
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
He casted this back in November. It links out to his blog domain w his socials He’s either had his blog compromised or he’s real https://warpcast.com/vbuterin/0xade38e
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KMac🎩🍌 pfp
This is an excellent question. You can’t right now. At one point all the pieces were in place for this type of independent verification (on the profile) but my hunch is it was too misleading and therefore removed. Think we need to wait until mainnet launch for FIDs and FNames. He does post a socials.txt iirc
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
I had the same question when I first got here! After I’ve observed for a while, I’ll just say “I generally believe what the others are believing” but eventually it would be nice to have a better solution 🤝✨👏
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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
The human who controls both has a verified GitHub. Therein is a list of socials.
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bennet pfp
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