Miles Jennings pfp
Miles Jennings
Application token models should focus more on B2B uses and less on B2C uses. Focus more on mechanisms for incentivizing developers, coordinating economic activity and ensuring credible neutrality of shared infrastructure. Focus less on mechanisms for acquiring users, which often leads to rent seeking and speculation.
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Samuel pfp
my take on how to do that - Retro active funding rounds for awesome ecosystem stuff - voting on prioritizing new features to implement (some fixed capacity per timeframe available to voters) - run hackathons with clear goal/direction to build in with token rewards
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Miles Jennings pfp
Miles Jennings
Those are good. Should also reward builders for the value they bring to the protocol. For instance, if 10 developers build NFT marketplace applications on top of an NFT marketplace protocol, those developers should be automatically rewarded based on the proportional value their applications generate for the protocol.
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