Saturday poll Please give yourself a few moments to think before answering
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Samuel ツ
voted yes, though having less or the same would still make me just as happy as today. so why yes? yes, because then I can provide more opportunities for family & friends. yes, because I can then play an even longer game (thinking and moving on longer time axes) yes, because safety. More at some point becomes, always enough. Which as long as the mind is taken care of isn't becoming a negative. Could have voted no because My happyness comes from 1) being healthy 2) my family and closest friends (that I call family too) 3) doing what I love and is fun as these 3 won't change even with less money I didn't need to vote yes. Happyness is mental, not financial. Though I did for the outlined reasons above.
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Totally legit (IMO) to want more money but for reasons other than happiness, which you seem to get :)
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Samuel ツ
Money in regards to happiness is a magnifying glass (or multiplier). It makes your current state of mind way bigger. So just getting money makes problems bigger if one has issues, though if one is truely happy makes that bigger to some extent also. Give a craftsman more wood and they‘ll put it to use and love it. Though one needs to be a craftsman first in my opinion.
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Samuel ツ
Craftsman being a generalized sample. Not saying everyone needs to be a craftsman 😁
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