if you were rich how would you help people?
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Samuel ツ
continue doing what I am already doing. give opportunies to people I see may be able to make something out of them. build up education that's more entrepreneurial and caters to young me who had to learn it all myself, make it more guided so people 12+ can go there and get answers + support right away vs having to go the hard path setup a family fund to take care of all financials forever
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Are there any people already doing what you’d do? Are models that you might base your own approach on? How would your approach differ?
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Samuel ツ
yes, my parents, my grandparents. good friends I have. People that showed or even gave me opportunities. all models in that sense, and then there's the extreme outliers that I really appreciate trying to understand how they think and operate. be it in business, family or heritage
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do you have any key principles or values? either gleemed from inspirations or of your own thinking?
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Samuel ツ
@samuellhuber.eth these are a great start. core to me is 1) personal health 2) family health 3) fun health being mental and physical then in terms of thinking I try to ask questions and understand the underlying "laws". Think physics there's a few axioms that everything is based of, understand these and it becomes clear. Humans, business, anything I believe has these. So I try to focus on spotting these and improve my model of them
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awesome. I like that list of 3, my only addition perhaps, as I've thought through it, is that a fun world to live in is a world that is healthy both mentally and physically. limitations are imposed on individuals when the collective is dysregulated or unable to healthily process volatility, something like that. so it's a good idea, imho, to expand ones circle of compassion beyond the family unit how do you look after your mental?
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