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@dwr.eth - you ask frequently how could DCs be better The overarching issue is the tiny bits of feature incompleteness like this. It’s death by a thousand cuts in a commoditized category and Telegram as the main competitor has built its reputation via its polished UI The Warpcast DC MVP needs to be brought up to parity to be able to do more than weak retention
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Dan Romero
Very aware. Our DC product is less than a year old vs. a decade for TG. Will get there.
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You should’ve started with their best version, so you can improve it over time, no? The same approach with Twitter, that’s why I’m always complaining about the lack of basic features: no threads, no articles, no decent DMs, no decent media. “It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock’n’roll”
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No, they’re doing the right thing - you can’t ship the best thing quickly. You have to ship iteratively I always liked this image:
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