Samiat Adeola pfp

Samiat Adeola


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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
We're currently in internal testing ... I just won 49 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen! @degengate
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
A gentle touch, a comforting hold A reassuring presence, a story untold A shield from the world's prying eyes A mask that whispers, "You are wise"
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
In forests dark, where ancient secrets sleep, The wild's pulse beats, a rhythm deep A language whispered, only known to keep, By those who wander, wild and meek.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
"The Mask's Masquerade" A dance of deception, a waltz of disguise A game of hide and seek, a masquerade of lies A mask that hides, yet reveals the heart A masquerade that sets us apart.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
"Unmasking the Soul" A journey within, a path unwound A search for truth, a heart unbound A shedding of layers, a reveal of skin A mask that falls, and the soul steps in.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
Mask tokens are a type of cryptocurrency token that represents a specific asset or utility, often used in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Here are some key facts about mask tokens: 1. Mask tokens are created through a process called tokenization, which involves representing an asset or utility as a digital token on a blockchain. 2. Mask tokens are often used to represent assets such as stocks, real estate, or art, allowing for fractional ownership and trading.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
Behind the Mask A secret keeper, a story teller A guardian of emotions, a heart's seller A protector of truths, a revealer of lies A mask that hides, yet reveals the eyes
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
The Mask I Wear: A disguise to hide my face A shield to guard my heart's dark place A veil to conceal my true design A mask to hide the me that's mine
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
The Wild's Unbridled Grace In twilight's hush, where shadows play The wild awakens, unfettered and free A force that beckons, untamed and gray A call to surrender, wild and carefree.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
Behind the Mask: A story about a person who hides their true identity behind a physical mask, but ultimately discovers that their true self was hidden behind a metaphorical mask all along.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
The mask is a masterpiece of deception, A carefully crafted facade, a disguise so sleek. It hides our flaws, our doubts, our tears, and presents a joyful face without fear.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
The Yellow Smile: A banana's journey from farm to table, spreading joy and nourishment along the way.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
Unmasking the Soul : A philosophical essay exploring the idea that our true selves are hidden behind the masks we wear in society, and that true freedom lies in shedding those masks.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
Well despite all the rumbling,do not be discouraged to go wild 😜 It's really a new day!
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
Wildflower's Smile A delicate petal, a vibrant hue A wildflower's smile, a beauty anew In every bloom, a story's told Of resilience, and a spirit bold.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
The Mask is an enigma, a reflection of our collective psyche, and a testament to the power of anonymous creativity. As the channel continues to mystify and intrigue, one thing is certain – the Mask Channel has unmasked a hunger for truth, and its influence will be felt far beyond the realm of Warpcast. Do have a nice day ahead ☺️
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
With every breath, I felt a surge of confidence coursing through my veins. I was no longer just a individual, but a force to be reckoned with.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
The Mask Channel's programming is a fusion of art, philosophy, and psychological exploration. Each broadcast features a masked figure, guiding viewers through a labyrinthine journey of self-discovery, confronting the viewer with their own fears, desires, and insecurities. The content is both mesmerizing and unsettling, blurring the lines between reality and illusion.
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
A mask is a symbol of concealment, a barrier between our true selves and the world. We wear masks to hide our emotions, our insecurities, and our fears. But what lies beneath the mask?
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Samiat Adeola pfp
Samiat Adeola
I was free, unencumbered by the fears and doubts that had once held me captive. The mask had set me free, and I was ready to take on the world.
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