We need to create better ways to curate and search information. Google isn’t personalized enough and people don’t want to give more data to Google. Social is often a good heuristic for information discovery (ie. filtering search to your following on Twitter) but is limited in search space. Anyone working on this?
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sam carter | 현춘
I think we’re closer than it seems to the next stop of info sorting. First step has always been accurate audio transcription, which we’re getting to far faster than I anticipated.
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Hmm, what’s the significance of audio over text though? My thinking was that we are struggling to efficiently connect information/knowledge on the internet (mostly in text form) with our own ideas and understanding. So i don’t see audio (which is a different medium of information) fundamentally affecting sorting.
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sam carter | 현춘
I don’t think the best and brightest will concentrate on sorting until we have a majority of info indexed. - The biggest barrier to information access right now is efficient indexing. We have decent word/char parsing, but until we can auto-categorize/analyze video and audio, no collection of info will be robust.
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sam carter | 현춘
Info aggregation shouldn’t be too difficult once everything boils down to words/labels. Then, you’re just reshuffling deck chairs in the form of algorithms. It’s the analysis and classification of info that’s the bottleneck rn, because no “new” algo will look much different than a Google search w/ just text
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