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Samee pfp
winning in life ends up always being a numbers game making a product? build more prototypes writing a best seller? write more posts raising money? talk to more investors job hunting? do more interviews searching for life's purpose? experiment with more arcs
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Samee pfp
"why did you get into crypto??" it's the only technology that can unite humanity if that's not your mission, you lost the point
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Samee pfp
EthDenver ironically made me stop being an ETH maxi too many smart teams building on Bitcoin, Solana, and other L1s for Ethereum to be the best solution for every app
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Samee pfp
can we capture that feeling of excitement from a new insight and bottle it into a post we can read later? can we build a tool to improve someone's life? today, we get to decide
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Samee pfp
creation is the tool we've been given to become main characters taking an idea from the magical lands of our imagination and make it tangible. it's the only proof of consciousness we have. both for ourselves, and to others
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Samee pfp
we eliminate any chance of novel contribution to the world by bombarding our minds with the opinion of others, and drowning out our inner voice when we over consume, whether we realize it or not, we're choosing to turn ourselves into npcs - bots that regurgitate what's around them and have no agency on the world
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Samee pfp
every day we're fighting a battle: creation vs consumption it's common for me to read someone's tweets, watch their youtube videos, or listen to a song and feel like my life is being enriched and it is - but it's incredibly easy to consume far more than we create
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Samee pfp
Most cars aren’t worth showing off. White/black/gray let it blend in rather than being a statement
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Samee pfp
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Samee pfp
Registered useEffect.eth I am a menace
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Samee pfp
Feels like opening the door for users to tune their recommendation algorithm is also needed
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Samee pfp
This is true of all content / products. Solution for distribution: become an influencer Solution for discovery: customizable recommendation algorithm that each user can modify to their needs
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Samee pfp
Hub is just a workaround expensive block space There will be no hubs, protocol logic will live fully on an app chain
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Samee pfp
Rise of the tech bro meme has probably led to fear of talking about it In my experience it’s the most popular regimen for people who regularly work out
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Samee pfp
Normies will drink coffee everyday and get drunk on the weekends but are scared they’ll jump out the window if they try mushrooms once
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Samee pfp
Agreed, basically pagerank for twitter/fc
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Samee pfp
Many have tried, but no one has been able to displace the sweetgreen harvest bowl as best salad of all time
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Samee pfp
Cool idea. What’s the best solution to keep messages private between sender/receiver?
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Samee pfp
Very novel story structure but incomprehensible without watching a youtube explainer
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Samee pfp
These are individual app chains. So it would be 2M+ tps per app - you don’t have to share block space with anyone
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