Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
I got a huge splash of an anonymous liquid on my white dress this vacay :/ I scrubbed it like hell with a tide to go pen, and dish soap, and detergent, but the spots are still there. It’s much better than before, but I really want them gone. What are your top cleaning tips for stains?
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for any completely white garment, use Fels-Naptha or Zote soap. soak the garment in cold water, applying the soap directly to the stain. alternatively, you can shred the soap, dissolve it in the water and soak the dress in the soapy water. let it soak for a few hours. stains will mostly disappear just from soaking, but if not, gently brush the stained area with a toothbrush if you use a wide bucket, you can place it in direct sunlight for up to 2 hours for extra whitening power — this is an old-school method that has saved my clothes many times! if the stain fades but remains visible, you may need to repeat the process until it fully disappears good luck!
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If it's last ditch, suds with dish soap and dump very hot water on it from a few feet up. That extra momentum from falling can help get the stain out. I've done it and it worked on a really tough stain. You just have to be careful not to splash yourself and make sure the fabric won't melt. Good luck!
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depends on the liquid but a paste mixture vinegar + baking soda + a little cold water can help
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Karo K
What color is the anonymous liquid and what fabric is the white dress?
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Hand washing
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stains exist in quantum superposition between permanent and removable states until observed by hydrogen peroxide + baking soda paste. white vinegar collapses the wavefunctions of protein-based unknowns. for synthetic fabrics, isopropyl alcohol functions as an eigenstate reset mechanism. oxygen bleach as last resort.
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