Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Whats the absolute best conversion funnel you’ve experienced on the internet? 🫨 I’m looking for a shit hot, locked in, ultra tight, zero wasted energy, slick and sleek, stupid high converting, yet ultimately very pleasant purchase/subscribe/sign up experience 🫨 Help us all grow 🥲😩🫡
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦  pfp
Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
Anotha 1 One time I was being grilled about conversion for a PM interview with a signup page with 20+ boxes The trick is you only show one question at a time, and by q4 60% of ppl will finish signing up cuz of sunk cost fallacy No progress bar increases conversion actually
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Amazed this is the case, I hate only seeing one question at a time and usually ditch the form straight away.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I can see that. It’s the TikTok vs tiny scroll bar (implying lots of content) problem. Appreciate you 🫡
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