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_slow_crypto 🌅⏳🪁
Students coming through sharp on critiquing privacy with the open ledger. Lazycasting questions written on the tube after the seminar. Thoughts?
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
Good questions! For 1, I know ultra rich people have distributed assets across a few wallets and multiple ways of accessing them. For 2, I would say selective doesn’t matter. We all hide some parts of ourselves and what we put out is how people will perceive us.
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_slow_crypto 🌅⏳🪁
Ty! 1. Do you know if they typically try to hide that they own certain wallets? 2. Not the selective that was in question. More the how it works. They liked the idea that, say, a PhD might want to work an admin job but get screened out if qualifications aren’t able to be hidden, as blockchains offer as standard.
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
1. I think so yeah. To be honest there’s a few people who bought farcandles using secondary wallets with much higher balances than their FC associated wallet. 2. @icebreaker might be solving for this!
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_slow_crypto 🌅⏳🪁
Makes sense to not have FC connected to heavy duty wallets. Always surprised me the folks who had no NFTs when we had the tab. They clearly did… somewhere. Thanks for the prompt toward icebreaker on this.
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