Salvino Armati ↑ pfp

Salvino Armati ↑


426 Following

Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
0 reply
1 recast
1 reaction

Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
can someone give me the 🍦 on 🍦?
28 replies
12 recasts
129 reactions

rish pfp
so wait what is this 🍦 thing?
11 replies
2 recasts
39 reactions

Salvino Armati ↑ pfp
Salvino Armati ↑
can’t have scoops without scoopers innit
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

Rani pfp
0 reply
2 recasts
14 reactions

Salvino Armati ↑ pfp
Salvino Armati ↑
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

mk pfp
🍦 🙆
2 replies
1 recast
18 reactions

Salvino Armati ↑ pfp
Salvino Armati ↑
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

Brian Kim pfp
Brian Kim
bing chilling
11 replies
8 recasts
43 reactions

mk pfp
i scream you scream 🍦
8 replies
6 recasts
24 reactions

Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ  pfp
Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ
1 reply
3 recasts
22 reactions

six pfp
mmmmm ice cream so good yes yes
20 replies
7 recasts
53 reactions

ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
🍦 scoop rules: 1. cones only, no cups 2. pistachio is the top flavor 3. two scoops is better than one 4. best enjoyed on a warm summer night
50 replies
35 recasts
259 reactions

six pfp
1 reply
3 recasts
16 reactions

Jeff Feiwell pfp
Jeff Feiwell
5 replies
11 recasts
52 reactions

LGHT  pfp
3 replies
3 recasts
10 reactions

six pfp
in the past, you had to have a start up idea and then hire people and go build it in the New Economy, you simply need to pick an emoji. once you have an emoji, you can start gauging demand for the emoji by hyping it up once emoji demand is validated, you can then build a product around the emoji
32 replies
6 recasts
80 reactions

six pfp
in honor of /scoop i'm getting van leeuwen today not sure what i'm honoring tbh but will take any excuse to get some van leeuwen
2 replies
1 recast
24 reactions

Salvino Armati ↑ pfp
Salvino Armati ↑
study ice cream
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

Salvino Armati ↑ pfp
Salvino Armati ↑
8 replies
3 recasts
32 reactions