What is WARP? WARP serves as the dynamic counterpart to WARD within the Warden Protocol ecosystem, adding liquidity and gamification through its innovative tokenomics.
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Total Supply: 250,000,000 WARP Decimals: 6 Contract Address: 0x3c8665472ec5aF30981B06B4E0143663EBeDcc1E Explorer Address: https://basescan.org/address/0x3c8665472ec5aF30981B06B4E0143663EBeDcc1E
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Distribution: Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP): 1,250,000 tokens (0.5%) WARP Points Campaign: 2,800,000 tokens (1.11%) Treasury: 625,000 tokens (0.25%) Locked: 245,325,000 tokens (98.14%)
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Where to Get WARP: Swappable in Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool for USDC. Claimable via Warden Airdrop website. Available on Base chain DEXs.
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Phases of Evolution: LBP Phase: Early access to WARP, accumulate points ahead of Warden Protocol Mainnet. Farming Phase: Accumulate WARP through activities and providing liquidity. Redeeming Phase: Redeem WARD tokens based on WARP holdings.
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