Safary Club 🦁 pfp

Safary Club 🦁


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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Life of a Web3 Marketer: - Try to convince CEO to get a small marketing budget - Settle on budget for KOLs & events - Slave away to make it happen - Explain why you can't "make the zk depin product just go viral" - Hire an intern aka your unhinged alter ego - Wonder why eng still hasn't shipped the product - Tell community to be patient & promise you're not gonna rug while praying the team doesn't rug - Make yourself busy by launching partnerships - Talk to users who gave up onboarding b/c the website sucks - Tell team you have a funnel problem - Get told it's on the roadmap for next year - Realize you're quitting or getting fired by then anyway - Go on vacation for a week but still check TG 24/7 - Product goes viral while on vacation b/c you're now "in the narrative" - Team wonders WTF you've been doing the last 6 months - Don't sleep for 2 weeks to save your job once you're back - See your campaign work πŸš€ - Insane growth for 3 weeks but then plateaus - Team considers firing you - Rinse & repeat
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Marketers Matter. That's the tweet 🀝
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Have we run out of new narratives yet? πŸ™„
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
One thing that will never change: The Safary team being in the trenches with our community 🦁🀝
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
When you're just trying to stand out, meanwhile...
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
The 4 words that should never be said: Founder: β€œWe sell to everyone” Marketer: ☠️☠️☠️
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Web3 growth is a call to experiment β€” it’s a philosophical take on growth more than anything else Real growth leaders understand this 🦁
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
What would you bet your crypto career on?
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Proud to be featured in Electric Capital's market map! We're empowering teams with the premier growth intelligence platform Want to know more? Ask your favorite growth leader, anon 🦁 Back to building 🫑
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Thanks @metamask for featuring our very own @jhv on this awesome growth panel!
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Trader Joe’s first frame, supercharged with Safary’s Farcaster-native attribution It’s a whole new world for web3 growth leaders πŸ”₯
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
🚨 Looking for a growth role? These 4 companies are hiring right now: 1. Head of Marketing at RiskLabs: $180K-$210K 2. Head of Marketing at Mangrove: $120K-$165K 3. Marketing Lead of Definitive: $90K-$170K 4. PMM at Across Protocol: $100K-$160K
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Are sustainable incentives a myth? @ethreasurer, head of defi at @fuel-network, shares his take on how to thoughtfully design tokens and how to balance supply & demand in tokenomics 🎧 20 minutes of insights:
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
What up and coming Farcaster native projects should /farhackers create growth case studies for next? 😈🦁
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
Check out episode 3 of Safary's Web3 Growth Podcast! In this episode, marketing leaders from Thena, Smilee Finance, and Concordia share their DeFi growth strategies πŸ“ˆ
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
The new meta - a growth playbook for a growth playbook
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
The web3 growth playbook? 90% earning trust, 10% spending trust
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
35 growth leaders just co-created the first /farhackers growth playbook. Congratulations everyone! πŸ“ˆ
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
We're often asked what the Safary community experience is actually like Here's a sneak peak into the upcoming journey for Batch 7πŸ‘‡
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Safary Club 🦁 pfp
Safary Club 🦁
We onboarded Safary Batch 7 this morning! There are few things more exciting than having 60+ of the industry's top growth leaders together from across the world, sharing their growth experiences and insights 🦁
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