Saadiq pfp



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Saadiq pfp
It wouldn’t be difficult to script something to do that. Loop through wallet holdings, pull metadata, pull image url, for urls using ipfs, pin.
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Saadiq pfp
They can but do they? Sincere question. I’m trying to navigate the things we hold sacred in the face of building things that mainstream audiences use. If persistence of media depends on me pinning it, how is that different from S3? Or is it that you appreciate even the option to pin it which S3 doesn’t provide? Do you pin things you mint that are on ipfs?
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Saadiq pfp
But what’s that get you? It verified the file hasn’t been changed but it doesn’t promise persistence, right? More importantly, does this stop you from using moshicam?
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Saadiq pfp
I like the idea of streaks on Warpcast, but personally, I don’t have any one channel I want to commit to.
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Saadiq pfp
Just wrapped a year living in Nosara, Costa Rica with the family. Headed back to Brooklyn. 🛫 Sad to leave. Happy to head home.
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Saadiq pfp
I feel like the first time you have to restrain your inner voice from swearing loudly and shoving someone into the street is when you become a New Yorker.
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Saadiq pfp
Apropos to nothing, finding Claude 3.5 Sonnet to be much better than ChatGPT 4o for code. Just anecdotal evidence but I highly recommend use of with all the appropriate api keys for people to continue to compare and leverage the strengths of each.
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Saadiq pfp
Some people are there to see the sights and don’t have to be anywhere. Contrast that with people about their business on a legit commute and we have problems. My pet peeve is the 4 people shoulder to shoulder across the sidewalk.
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Saadiq pfp
In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit I haven’t. I think it’s just brand perception. Meals that are saladish appeal to me. Salads kinda don’t. But, will vow to actually check a menu.
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Saadiq pfp
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Saadiq pfp
They sponsor gas fees.
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Saadiq pfp
Free has an established meaning. Using it like that feels like an attempt to obfuscate those protocol fees by lumping them in with gas fees.
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Saadiq pfp
I agree frames aren’t great persistent experiences for all the reasons laid out. I like them purely for what they are, open graph plus. Great potential preview and hopefully onboarding to larger experience.
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Saadiq pfp
🤣 Of course it is. You say that like it’s a bad thing. I expect he has metrics and data about what he thinks is going to drive the growth of this platform. And, yes, then he builds features to hopefully encourage the desired behavior. Good news is that if you want what he wants then it’s good for you too. Right?
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Saadiq pfp
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Saadiq pfp
Great rec. I was legit just thinking about building something like this to bridge the gap for all the people not willing to wade directly into chatgpt.
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Saadiq pfp
Yes it is.
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Saadiq pfp
30 min later I was able to claim. I’m guessing because I know you and perhaps am not worried about my solana wallet contents getting drained, I rushed in where others hesitated.
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Saadiq pfp
One thing overlooked until really using the smart wallet and I haven’t seen it mentioned elsewhere is how it being web based makes crypto apps on mobile a real possibility again. The EOA UX was just too jarring but this is smooth. @moshicam a prime example.
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Saadiq pfp
Hold the line. I fought creating a new wallet because I was lazy. Having done it, it’s just better. Do we care about onboarding mainstream audiences or no? I’m now leaning towards stripping out support for EOAs in my WIP project.
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