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Welcome to @jasoncrawford.eth! Jason is the founder of The Roots of Progress, a non-profit dedicated to progress studies. In addition, he has served as an advisor for Our World in Data and as a guest lecturer at MIT. His essay, We Need A New Philosophy of Progress, is one of the best arguments for techno-optimism that I've read: He has agreed to do an AMA for the /books channel as part of the ongoing Silicon Valley Canon course. Reply with your questions. :)
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Why was the Enlightenment able to spread? Why do you think it resonated with enough people to spread? Do you think there is there anything to learn from this for your philosophy of progress for the 21st century?
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Jason Crawford
I don't know. Partly because the ideas were true and the West was ready for them. They were ready in part because of how much the world had been opened up to them over the last few centuries, through the age of exploration and the advances in science, and in part because of the destruction caused by the religious wars. Partly because the relatively new technology of the printing press made it easier for ideas to spread. Partly because the political fragmentation of Europe made it harder for tyrants and Popes to crack down on dissidents and heretics. All of those have analogies to today, if you're looking for lessons
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