s5eeo pfp



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s5eeo pfp
Interesting read on a potential tool to give us more time to become a net-carbon-neutral civilization: https://unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com/p/so2-injection?syclid=cooqe2ch33ns73dv3ip0
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s5eeo pfp
I loved this interview. It contains a lot of discussion of climate change and actual, plausible solutions. Worth a watch for anyone interested in realistic solutions. The whole interview was great but the climate change solution discussion starts at around 24:48: https://youtu.be/ekEdq6PhC0Q?si=jMh7UZLdcHoNJxTu
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s5eeo pfp
This is an interesting blog post that touches on the physics, engineering and economics of airships: https://www.elidourado.com/p/cargo-airships Before reading this, I didn’t think that airships have much commercial potential outside of tourism.
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s5eeo pfp
If you are very excited about David Sinclair’s research and take supplements or change your diet based on it, watch this for context: https://youtu.be/Xn0EJQPyxkA?si=Q9nYcL-8WGaOJwpY I’ve come across a lot of criticism towards his research and this video gives a good overview.
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s5eeo pfp
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s5eeo pfp
Very interesting glimpse behind the scenes at a manufacturing company that heavily bets on automation / robotics: https://youtu.be/6cbayQAuvvw?si=C_-0VyHMSby4W96E
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s5eeo pfp
If you heard of RAG before but don’t know what it is and why it is useful for LLMs, here is a short high-level explanation that is also understandable to a less technical audience: https://youtu.be/2l1IPCfyDjY?si=EJV8JDymHnaVWb2X
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s5eeo pfp
Starship could become a paradigm shift for space exploration and the space industry as a whole. It’s worth digging into the numbers. https://warpcast.com/s5eeo/0x71f03182
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s5eeo pfp
If you’re curious about the space industry, I highly recommend reading this: https://caseyhandmer.wordpress.com/2021/10/28/starship-is-still-not-understood/ It shows why Starship is not “just” a big rocket but a paradigm shift (provided SpaceX manages to make it work).
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s5eeo pfp
Are European governments doing enough in your opinion to militarily prepare and deter Putin from further expansion, in case his military campaign in the Ukraine ends up being successful? I have mixed impressions. https://www.ft.com/content/b3101099-9516-4b0b-92c6-179997d7e4cf
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s5eeo pfp
Feel obliged to drop this here: https://caseyhandmer.wordpress.com/2023/08/25/you-should-be-working-on-hardware/ It’s a short read. It’s also worth looking up the author himself and what he’s currently up to.
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s5eeo pfp
Open-source software suite for sample-efficient robotic reinforcement learning just dropped: https://serl-robot.github.io/ It’s supposed to make training robots to perform specific tasks much easier in practice. Allegedly requiring only 25-50 minutes of training per task! Robotic learning has come a long way.
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s5eeo pfp
Has anyone here tried editing code with collaborators in real-time like in Google Docs and can share how it was? What are the best tools to try this? I heard Replit supports this and that there’s a fairly new editor called Zed that is designed from the ground up to enable this, among other things.
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s5eeo pfp
Does anyone here who heard of "the housing theory of everything" disagree with it? If so, why? It basically posits that the shortage of housing in Western countries is a fundamental issue that exacerbates a wide range of societal problems. https://worksinprogress.co/issue/the-housing-theory-of-everything/
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s5eeo pfp
This debate was so good and civilized https://youtu.be/tYrdMjVXyNg?si=lg8r7OVH35aaA_Lg
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s5eeo pfp
If you grind coffee beans yourself and have been wondering if you should try spritzing water onto your coffee powder, I can recommend this video here for an interesting in-depth scientific discussion: https://youtu.be/nLnB99VJ0HE?si=MSWxR08T_qAtH8Mr
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s5eeo pfp
Has anyone here used goldfinch.finance for some time? Wondering how passive the return would be and how often you would have to check and actively manage your lending.
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s5eeo pfp
Has anyone here used goldfinch.finance for some time? Wondering how passive the return would be and how often you would have to check and actively manage your lending.
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s5eeo pfp
https://x.com/gunsnrosesgirl3/status/1748828121674232036?s=46 This is worth a watch. A good reminder of how beautiful our planet is.
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s5eeo pfp
Any thoughts on this take? It’s a bit scary that one has to speculate how far Putin would go, if Russia successfully conquered Ukraine. https://x.com/bctallis/status/1744989428534174028?s=20
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